Uniting a Team with a Shared Vision in Scrum

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A shared vision is the north star for the Scrum team, guiding every sprint, decision, and collaboration. It's what aligns individual contributions to a collective outcome, ensuring that every team member is not just rowing, but rowing in the same direction. Let's explore what a shared vision is, why it's crucial in Scrum, and how to cultivate and maintain it within your team.

What is a Shared Vision?

A shared vision in Scrum is a clear and compelling picture of the future that the team is striving to create. It goes beyond mere project goals or business objectives. It encapsulates the purpose and the expected impact of the team’s work, providing meaning and context for the daily tasks and the broader development effort.

The Importance of a Shared Vision


With a shared vision, each team member understands how their work contributes to the larger goals. This alignment helps in prioritizing tasks and making decisions that are in the best interest of the project.


A compelling vision acts as a motivational force. When team members are invested in the outcome, they are more likely to go the extra mile.


In Scrum, where cross-functional teams work closely, a shared vision ensures that everyone is working cohesively towards the same end-goal, reducing conflicts and overlaps.


Scrum thrives on adaptability. A shared vision allows the team to navigate changes and pivot their strategies while still keeping their eyes on the prize.

Success Measurement

It provides a framework against which the team can measure progress and success, not just in terms of completed tasks but in terms of moving closer to the envisioned future.

Cultivating a Shared Vision

Creating a shared vision is not a one-off event. It is a process that requires continuous effort. Here’s how you can cultivate a shared vision in your Scrum team.

Involve Everyone

A shared vision can't be dictated. It needs to be co-created. Involve the entire team in the visioning process. Use collaborative workshops and brainstorming sessions to gather input and build the vision together.

Make It Inspiring

The vision should be ambitious and inspiring. It should resonate with team members on a personal level, tapping into their aspirations and values. Use vivid language and imagery to make the vision come to life.

Communicate Clearly

The shared vision should be communicated clearly and frequently. It should be easy to understand and remember. Consider creating a vision statement or a visual representation of the vision that can be displayed prominently in the workspace.

Connect Daily Work to the Vision

Regularly remind the team how their sprint goals and daily tasks contribute to the shared vision. During sprint planning and reviews, revisit the vision to connect the dots between current work and the overall objectives.

Lead by Example

Scrum Masters and Product Owners should lead by example, embodying the shared vision in their actions and decisions. This sets the tone for the rest of the team and reinforces the importance of the shared vision.

Maintaining a Shared Vision

Maintaining a shared vision over the lifecycle of a project requires…

Consistent Reinforcement

Regularly reinforce the vision during Scrum ceremonies and team meetings. Use it as a touchstone for decisions and changes.

Celebrating Milestones

Celebrate milestones that bring the team closer to the vision. This not only motivates but also demonstrates progress towards achieving the vision.

Gathering Feedback

Be open to feedback on the vision itself. As the project progresses, the vision might need to evolve. Keeping the team involved in this evolution ensures continued buy-in.


Keep the communication channels open. Transparency about the project's progress, challenges, and successes helps maintain trust and commitment to the vision.

A shared vision in Scrum is much more than a project plan or a set of objectives. It is the embodiment of the team’s aspirations and the catalyst for their collective action. By cultivating and maintaining a shared vision, a Scrum team can achieve remarkable coherence, motivation, and productivity. Remember, a team without a shared vision can deliver work, but a team with a shared vision can deliver greatness.

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