Technical Necessity in Product Management: A Crucial Role for the Product Owner in Scrum

While the Product Owner is primarily responsible for representing the voice of the customer and ensuring that the team delivers business value, it is equally important for them to understand and address the technical necessities of the product. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of technical necessity in product management and how Product Owners can effectively handle them within the Scrum framework.

Understanding Technical Necessity

Technical necessity refers to the set of requirements, constraints, and considerations related to the underlying technology stack, architecture, infrastructure, and maintenance of the product. It encompasses factors such as scalability, security, performance, maintainability, and compatibility. Addressing technical necessities is crucial to ensure the long-term success, stability, and sustainability of the product. Ignoring these technical aspects can lead to technical debt, increased development costs, and compromised product quality.

The Role of the Product Owner

While the development team, including architects and engineers, are primarily responsible for the technical implementation, the Product Owner must possess a strong understanding of the technical landscape. They need to collaborate closely with the team to ensure that technical necessities are appropriately considered and incorporated into the product backlog. By doing so, the Product Owner can ensure the delivery of a high-quality, robust, and sustainable product.

Strategies for Handling Technical Necessity

Collaborative Communication

The Product Owner should foster open lines of communication with the development team. Regularly engaging in discussions with technical stakeholders can help in identifying and understanding technical necessities early in the process. Encourage the team to share their expertise, provide insights, and suggest improvements regarding technical feasibility and potential risks.


Technical necessities should be treated as any other product requirement. The Product Owner needs to prioritize them alongside functional and business requirements. By assigning appropriate weightage to technical necessities, the Product Owner ensures that the team has enough time and resources to address them without sacrificing the core functionality and value of the product.

Refining the Product Backlog

The Product Owner should work closely with the team to refine the product backlog, focusing on technical necessities. Collaborative backlog refinement sessions can help in identifying and breaking down technical requirements into actionable user stories. By involving the team in this process, the Product Owner can build consensus, clarify expectations, and address any technical concerns early on.

Balancing Stakeholder Needs

The Product Owner must balance the needs of various stakeholders when considering technical necessities. While the immediate business value is crucial, it is essential to maintain a long-term outlook. By understanding the concerns of both business stakeholders and technical experts, the Product Owner can make informed decisions that strike the right balance between short-term gains and long-term sustainability.

Continuous Learning

Technical landscapes evolve rapidly, and it is important for Product Owners to stay up to date with the latest industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. This enables them to make informed decisions, anticipate technical challenges, and provide valuable guidance to the team.

Technical necessity plays a pivotal role in product management within the Scrum framework. Product Owners must proactively address technical requirements to ensure the long-term success and stability of the product. By collaborating closely with the development team, effectively communicating with stakeholders, and prioritizing technical necessities alongside business requirements, Product Owners can strike the right balance between delivering business value and maintaining a robust and sustainable technical foundation. Embracing technical necessity as an integral part of product management will lead to higher quality products, reduced technical debt, and increased customer satisfaction.

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