Round and Round…Looping

mortar and pestle

In today’s post, I want to talk about looping. In programming, there are many times you need to have your program perform repetitive tasks. You do this a lot with going over groups of data (arrays and objects) to make logical decisions on that data. So let’s look at how loops work…

All loops pretty much follow the same pattern…

  1. Initialize loop
  2. Check test condition
  3. perform action within the loop
  4. Update loop counter

There are a few types of loops out there, but one of the most common is the for loop. Here is the basic syntax…

for ( init; test condition; update counter; ) {

This will allow you to loop over and object or do something over and over again. Take the following code for example…

for(var i = 0; i<3; i++){

The aforementioned code will output the numbers, 0, 1, 2 to the console.

Important Note: make certain that your loop can stop. Double check your condition prior to running your loop. Otherwise, this will result in an infinite loop and crash your browser/program!

Happy Coding!

Clay Hess

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