In any programming language, you are going to be performing some math calculations. Now, in most cases we are not talking ‘rocket science’ here (unless you are a programmer for NASA). For the most part, it is basic math…addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So let’s take a look at some of these operators and how they can be used.
[code lang=”js”]
// Addition example
var numOne = 1;
var numTwo = 2;
var total = numOne + numTwo;
// Output the total of 3 to the screen
[code lang=”js”]
// Subtraction example
var numOne = 1;
var numTwo = 2;
var total = numOne + numTwo;
// Output the total of -1 to the screen
[code lang=”js”]
// Multiplication example
var numOne = 1;
var numTwo = 2;
var total = numOne + numTwo;
// Output the total of 2 to the screen
[code lang=”js”]
// Division example
var numOne = 1;
var numTwo = 2;
var total = numOne + numTwo;
// Output the total of 0.5 to the screen
Happy Coding!
Clay Hess