Objectifying JavaScript

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While it is not a good idea to objectify people, objectifying JavaScript is a good idea. When I build apps, I use objects in every one of them. Objects are great because they are not only easy to work with, but they also emulate their real world counterparts.

In this post, I want to show simply how to create objects in JavaScript as there are several ways to accomplish this.

First Way to Create Object

You can just use curly braces to create the object…

var firstObj = {};

Second Way to Create Object

The next way is to use object.create. It takes whatever you pass in and wrap it in an object. It then hands you back the object…

var secondObj = Object.create(Object.prototype);

This is used when you wish to do inheritance. You create an object and pass it in and the object inherits items from the parent object.

Third Way to Create an Object

The third manner to create an object is to use the new object. Historically, in the JS world, this has gotten some bad press. If you come from a classic object-oriented language, it will look familiar. I would encourage those that have believed the “bad press” to reconsider. Beginning with ES6 (ECMAScript 6), JS has the class operator, which allows the ability to build classes in JS. The new object allows JS to follow the same conventions as classical OOP languages…

var thirdObj = new Object();

So, those are the three ways. You can use any of them. Some are used due to personal preference, while others are by convention. I would encourage you to try all three.

Happy Coding!

Clay Hess

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