In our continuing saga of operators, we would be remiss if we did not address greater than/less than. Sometimes in programming, you want to test whether one value is greater than another…or less than another. We can do this with the comparison operators. Here is an example…
[code lang=”js”]
// Test greater than
var firstNum = 3;
var secondNum = 5;
if(firstNum > secondNum){
// Do something
In the above code, the “do something” code would not run because 3 > 5 returns false.
So you can use greater than (>), less than (<), greater than/equal to (>=) and less than/equal to (<=).
Here is an example of less than/equal to…
[code lang=”js”]
// Test greater than
var firstNum = 3;
var secondNum = 5;
if(firstNum <= secondNum){
// Do something
This code would return true. These can be very valuable in comparing two variable values.
Happy Coding!
Clay Hess