In today’s post, you can sort of think of this as a related post towards the last one. I have alluded to how numbers can actually be a data type of text depending on how they enter your program or are created. We need some ways to deal with these scenarios. JavaScript gives us some.
The number function/method allows us to take a number that is text and convert is to an integer. If text is passed to the function, it will return NaN. It will also convert boolean to 1 or 0.
[code lang=”js”]
// Create a text number variable
var myNum = "10";
myNum = number(myNum);
var myNum = true;
myNum = number(myNum);
// Code would return 1
var myNum = "123abc";
myNum = number(myNum);
// Code would return NaN
The parseFloat function/method returns a floating point number. It looks at the data, determines if the first character is a number, then it parses the string until it reaches a non-number. This could be a space or text. If the first character is text, it returns NaN.
[code lang=”js”]
// Create a text variable
var myNum = "10";
myNum = parseFloat(myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10
myNum = "10.123";
myNum = parseFloat(myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10.123
myNum = "10 abc";
myNum = parseFloat(myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10
myNum = "abc 10";
myNum = parseFloat(myNum);
// Code would return NaN
The parseInt function will parse through a string and return a number just like parseFloat, except it will not return floating numbers. All other rules apply though.
[code lang=”js”]
// Create a text variable
var myNum = "10";
myNum = parseInt (myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10
myNum = "10.123";
myNum = parseInt (myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10
myNum = "10 abc";
myNum = parseInt (myNum);
// Code would return the integer 10
myNum = "abc 10";
myNum = parseInt (myNum);
// Code would return NaN
Happy Coding!
Clay Hess