Get Them Digits

In my last post, I spoke about the various data types utilized in programming. I gave an overview of the various types, but concentrated on text/string.

Today, I would like to focus on numbers/integers…

In programming, you are going to work with numbers/integers. It is inevitable. There are various ways in which you work with numbers/integers…

[code lang=”js”]
var n1 = 12.00;
// Written with decimals
var n2 = 12;        
// Written without decimals
var x = 123e5;     
// 12300000 scientific (exponential) notation
var z = 123e-5;    
// 0.00123 scientific (exponential) notation

Again, as I stated in my previous posting, I am using JavaScript in my examples. JavaScript plays “fast and loose” with data typing. If you are using a strictly typed language, make certain you are following those rules.

The typical practice with numbers is to store them in variables, then perform mathematical calculations (add, subtract, multiply, divide). That is typically as complicated as the math gets with programming. There is a nuance with addition, but I will cover that at a later date. How is that for a teaser?

So dive in and use numbers until your heart’s content…Happy Coding!

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