Exploring the CSS Properties and Values API

developer writing code at his laptop with code surrounding him in multicolored smoke
The CSS Properties and Values API is an exciting part of the CSS Houdini suite of APIs that enables developers to define and register custom CSS properties directly in JavaScript. This API introduces advanced capabilities like type checking, default values, and control over whether custom properties inherit their values. These features significantly enhance the power and flexibility of CSS in modern web development.

Key Features of the CSS Properties and Values API

Custom Property Registration

With the `CSS.registerProperty()` method, developers can define custom properties and specify how browsers should parse them. This ensures consistency and type safety for custom properties.

Type Checking and Syntax Validation

By defining a specific syntax for a custom property, the browser can enforce type checking. For example, you can specify that a property must be a valid `<color>` or `<length>`.

Default Values

Custom properties can be assigned a default value, ensuring consistent styling even when the property is not explicitly set in the CSS.

Inheritance Control

Developers can define whether a custom property should inherit its value from its parent element or not.

How to Use the CSS Properties and Values API

Registering a Custom Property in JavaScript

The `CSS.registerProperty()` method allows you to register custom properties programmatically.

Registering a Custom Property in CSS

You can achieve the same result using the @property at-rule in CSS

Real-World Applications


					<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>CSS Properties and Values API Demo</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" data-wphbdelayedstyle="style.css">
    <script type="wphb-delay-type" src="cssPropertiesValues.js" defer></script>

    <h1>CSS Properties and Values API Demo</h1>
    <div class="element-with-custom-property"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" id="wphb-delayed-styles-js">
			(function () {
				const events = ["keydown", "mousemove", "wheel", "touchmove", "touchstart", "touchend"];
				function wphb_load_delayed_stylesheets() {
					document.querySelectorAll("link[data-wphbdelayedstyle]").forEach(function (element) {
						element.setAttribute("href", element.getAttribute("data-wphbdelayedstyle"));
						 events.forEach(function (event) {
						  window.removeEventListener(event, wphb_load_delayed_stylesheets, { passive: true });
			   events.forEach(function (event) {
				window.addEventListener(event, wphb_load_delayed_stylesheets, { passive: true });



					@property --my-color {
    syntax: '<color>';
    initial-value: #333333;
    inherits: false;

.element-with-custom-property {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: var(--my-color);


					if ('registerProperty' in CSS) {
		name: '--my-color',
		syntax: '<color>',
		initialValue: '#c0ffee',
		inherits: false



The CSS Properties and Values API is a game-changer for web developers. It brings type safety, default values, and inheritance controls to custom properties, empowering developers to build more robust and maintainable stylesheets. Whether you’re creating dynamic themes or experimenting with advanced animations, this API opens up new possibilities in CSS development.

More To Explore

developer writing code at his laptop with code surrounding him in multicolored smoke

Exploring the CSS Properties and Values API

The CSS Properties and Values API is an exciting part of the CSS Houdini suite of APIs that enables developers to define and register custom CSS properties directly in JavaScript. This API introduces advanced capabilities like type checking, default values, and control over whether custom properties inherit their values. These features significantly enhance the power and flexibility of CSS in modern web development.

Developer sitting outdoors at a coffer shop working on his laptop with colors swirling

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The web is constantly evolving, and with it, the tools available to developers and designers expand. One of the most exciting additions to modern web design is the CSS Paint API (also known as Houdini’s Paint API). This feature allows developers to create dynamic, programmatically generated images directly in CSS without the need for external assets or heavy graphical libraries.

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