An Introduction to the CSS Font Loading API: Better Font Management for the Web

developer working at a coffee shop with fonts floating around his head

Web developers have long grappled with the challenges of loading and managing fonts. Fonts are an integral part of creating visually appealing and accessible websites, but delays in font loading can lead to poor user experiences, such as invisible text (FOIT: Flash of Invisible Text) or fallback fonts showing up unexpectedly (FOUT: Flash of Unstyled Text). Enter the CSS Font Loading API, a powerful JavaScript-based tool that allows developers to manage font loading with precision.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what the CSS Font Loading API is, how it works, and how you can use it to improve font performance and user experience on your website.

What Is the CSS Font Loading API?

The CSS Font Loading API is a JavaScript interface that provides control over how fonts are loaded and rendered on a webpage. It gives developers the ability to:

  • Dynamically load fonts.
  • Monitor the status of loading fonts (e.g., whether they are loading, loaded, or failed).
  • Use fonts programmatically without relying solely on CSS @font-face declarations.
  • Handle font loading errors gracefully.

In simpler terms, the API makes font loading predictable and customizable, empowering developers to optimize performance and user experience.

Why Use the CSS Font Loading API?

Font loading issues often impact web performance and accessibility. Without proper control, users might experience:

  • FOIT: Text remains invisible until the custom font is fully loaded.
  • FOUT: The browser initially displays fallback fonts and swaps them with the custom font once it loads.
  • Poor Performance: Fonts can block rendering, slowing down the time it takes for content to appear on the screen.

The CSS Font Loading API gives you the tools to:

  • Preload and use fonts only when they are needed, reducing unnecessary network requests.
  • Display fallback fonts while loading custom fonts, minimizing FOIT.
  • Monitor font loading progress and handle errors proactively.

How Does the CSS Font Loading API Work?

The CSS Font Loading API revolves around two key components:

  1. document.fonts: A FontFaceSet object that represents all the loaded fonts on the page. It provides methods to check the status of fonts and load new fonts.
  2. FontFace: A constructor that allows you to create and load custom fonts programmatically.

Here’s an overview of the most important methods and properties:

document.fonts Methods and Properties

  • document.fonts.load(): Loads a font asynchronously and returns a Promise.
  • document.fonts.ready: Returns a Promise that resolves when all fonts are loaded.
  • document.fonts.check(): Checks if a specific font is available.
  • document.fonts.onloading / onloadingdone / onloadingerror: Event listeners to monitor font loading progress.

FontFace Constructor

The FontFace constructor allows you to load fonts dynamically. You can specify the font’s name, source, and descriptors (e.g., weight, style).

					const font = new FontFace('CustomFont', 'url(/path-to-font.woff2)', {
  weight: 'bold',
  style: 'italic',

// Add the font to the document
font.load().then(() => {
  console.log('Font loaded and ready to use!');

Examples of the CSS Font Loading API

Loading a Font Dynamically

Let’s say you want to load a custom font only when a certain component becomes visible. Here’s how you can do it:

					const font = new FontFace('MyFont', 'url(');

// Load the font
font.load().then(() => {
  console.log('Font loaded!');
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error('Font failed to load:', error);

Checking If a Font Is Available

You can use document.fonts.check() to verify whether a font is loaded and ready to use:

					if (document.fonts.check('16px MyFont')) {
  console.log('MyFont is available!');
} else {
  console.log('MyFont is not yet loaded.');

Handling Font Loading Events

You can listen for font loading events to track progress and handle errors:

					document.fonts.onloading = () => {
  console.log('Font loading has started.');

document.fonts.onloadingdone = () => {
  console.log('All fonts have finished loading.');

document.fonts.onloadingerror = () => {
  console.error('One or more fonts failed to load.');

Preloading Fonts

Preloading fonts can improve performance by ensuring that fonts are available when needed. Here’s an example:

					document.fonts.load('16px Roboto').then(() => {
  console.log('Roboto font is preloaded and ready!');

Benefits of Using the CSS Font Loading API

  • Improved Performance: Load fonts only when necessary, reducing bandwidth usage and improving initial load times.
  • Better User Experience: Avoid FOIT and provide fallback fonts seamlessly.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handle font loading failures to ensure your site remains functional.
  • Dynamic Loading: Load and use fonts programmatically for specific components or conditions.
  • Fine-Grained Control: Monitor and manage fonts with precision.

When to Use the CSS Font Loading API

The CSS Font Loading API is particularly useful in scenarios like:

  • SPAs (Single-Page Applications): Dynamically load fonts as users navigate between components or views.
  • Performance-Driven Projects: Optimize font loading for faster page loads.
  • Custom Font Management: Use custom fonts in a controlled and predictable manner.
  • Fallback Strategies: Implement fallback fonts and styles while custom fonts are loading.


The CSS Font Loading API is a game-changer for managing web fonts. It provides developers with the tools to improve performance, enhance user experience, and ensure robust error handling. By leveraging this API, you can take control of font loading and create faster, more reliable, and visually appealing web experiences.

If you haven’t tried the CSS Font Loading API yet, now is the perfect time to get started. Experiment with it, optimize your font-loading strategies, and take your web development skills to the next level!

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